A good start for 2013 !

2013, already… Let’s make a good start out of it.

First, a review of 2012.

We lacked the time to achieve the objectives we set for last year. « Alun Hevel » (tower defense), our main background project, saw its code and its design evolve, but not enough to manage a release before the end of the year.
However we improved our experience, learned to master our tools further, and enhanced our ability for new ideas and concepts.

We participated as a team in the Ludum Dare 24 (august 2012) with « Player 2, Start! », a platformer with an ambitious design.
Our two developers, Thomas and Bastien, handled the task, with no less than four graphic designers : Cindy, Christel, Jonas and Joan. The team was joined by a dialogues writer, Boo, and a ‘live reporter’, Pascale.
Visit GSM productions’ Ludum Dare page !

Bastien also subscribed at the Ludum Dare 23 (april 2012) during which he acquired some new skills, even if he didn’t manage to complete his platformer.
He also produced a game for Ludum Dare 25 (decembre 2012) : « Raoul V. in ‘You Are Ze Villain!’ » (roguelike).

Thomas, for his part, designed W.A.V.R.E. at Ludum Dare 23 (april 2012).

Finally, in june, our two developers left Belgium for a 24 hour journey, all the way to Brighton, for the « Indie Dev Day ».

In the end, not bad for a year !

Which leads us to the next point : our resolutions for 2013.

First, in terms of organization, we decided to plan team meetings once every two months, and each of those will be accompanied by a blog post. Yes, we will liven this blog up !

Second, in terms of pure game creation, there will be a main project for 2013 : « Bloboy’s Journey », the refinement of Thomas’ Ludum Dare 20 production, which you already saw evolve a bit on this website.
Of course, that doesn’t mean we won’t continue to work on « Alun Hevel », but its development will be put in the background.

To achieve those goals, Bastien and Thomas subscribed at #onegameamonth. The goal of this challenge, thus its name, is to release a game for each month of 2013 in order to improve one’s skills.
Don’t hesitate to follow the tweets of Thomas and Bastien !

To maintain our motivation at its best, we will also participate at Ludum Dare 26, once again as a team… Be patient, we’ll tell you more in april !

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